Toenail Removal

Toenail Removal: Everything You Need To Know

You might need a toenail removal for a variety of reasons. It is a small procedure, but it is perfectly normal to feel worried about it. To help put your mind at ease, here is everything you need to know about toenail removal.

Why Might You Need Toenail Removal?

There are several reasons why you might need nail surgery, but the most common one is ingrowing toenails. These occur when the edges of your nails grow into the skin around the nail, causing pain and swelling. They frequently cause infections, and the purpose of the surgery is to remove the piece of nail which is ingrowing to relieve pain and stop the infections.

Another cause of toenail removal might be where your nail has become very thick due to, for example, fungal infections or injury. If the nail then causes pain when you wear shoes, your nail might need to be removed.

How Can I Find Out If I Need Toenail Removal?

The first thing to do is to visit your podiatrist if you have pain around your nail. They will be able to undertake an assessment of your foot and diagnose the cause of the pain. They will then tell you what treatment will be necessary, and this might include toenail removal.

Podiatrists are highly trained medical professionals who are qualified in the treatment of conditions in the feet and lower limbs, and they will be able to carry out your surgery for you.